Catch the latest EMA Section News between issues by visiting our website at <>. Need to contact someone on the EMA section staff? The staff list is also at <>.
A Falmouth CERT class will be held on Wednesday nights, 6 to 8 PM beginning on September 14 and ending on October 19 at Falmouth Fire Rescue Headquarters, 399 Main Street, Falmouth, in the Emergency Operations Center on the second floor. To register, visit <>.
BOSTON MAKER FAIRE: Sunday September 17
September 18, 2017 at 7:30 PM – <>
Join media historian, professor, and former broadcaster Donna Halper on September 18th, as she brings along her rare radio memorabilia and takes you back in time. She will introduce you to some pioneering hams who kept a foot in both amateur and commercial radio (without them, there would have been no stations like WBZ or WEEI or the first station in Massachusetts– 1XE/WGI). Dr. Halper will also share some interesting facts about the history of Boston radio, including why radio today isn’t as good as what many of us remember from when we were growing up. And she will tell you about some performers and announcers who came from the North Shore.
Mark your calendars for NEAR Fest XXII on October 13-14 in Deerfield, NH. For more information, visit <>.
There are three sessions:
– Monson in the evening on October 16
– Brockton late morning on October 21
– Leominster in the evening on October 24.
More info at: <>
The Nashua Area Radio Club will be giving weekend Ham Radio Licensing Classes this fall.
Technician Class: September 30 – October 1
General Class: November 4 – 5
Amateur Extra Class – December 1 – 3
Classes are held at Dartmouth Hitchcock Nashua, 2300 Southwood Drive in Nashua. You can find more information at
Here’s some unexpected publicity for Amateur Radio via the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s (CBC) weekly science program, “Quirks and Quarks”. Dr. Nathaniell Frizell, W2NAF, leader of the project studying the effect of the eclipse on propagation was interviewed during a segment of Quirks and Quarks in August. The program opens with some samples of amateur radio signals including a cw signal during an aurora and a clip of our New England Division Director, Tom Frenaye K1KI, during a contest exchange (not during the SEQP however). You can catch the full interview here: <>. (Thanks to the CBC and Quirks and Quarks for making the link publicly available on line).
W1A at Boxboro
The W1A special event station at Boxboro used the 20-meter antenna on the NE1AR Communications Van, a refurbished TV news truck with a 48-foot mast and all ham radio electronics inside, including a touch-screen ICOM IC-7300 HF rig. NE1AR has a matching gift challenge from Near-Fest in New Hampshire toward van refurbishing. -K5TEC
The Zola Repeater Net meets every Thursday night at 7pm on 147.36 Newton repeater, with a PL of 67.0. The purpose of this net is to give both new and experienced hams the opportunity to participate in a controlled net environment. Given the hurricanes Harvey and Irma, being familiar with nets is certainly timely. -N1IBB
PART OF WESTFORD (PART) has nominated the following slate for their leadership:
President: Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ
Vice President: Rich Crisafulli, AB1HD
Secretary: Rick Green, W1RAG
Treasurer: Alan Martin, W1AHM.
The election will be held during the regular PART meeting on Tuesday,
September 19, 2017 at the Cameron Senior Center.
The next meeting of the Wellesley ARS (WARS) will be a Pizza Party on September 19. Upcoming on October 17th, the topic is “Restoring vintage ham radios”, by Dan W1DAN.
The following leadership will be guiding WARS for the coming year:
President: Dan Brown, W1DAN
Vice President: Don Bumpus, KB1OTQ
Secretary: Charlie Treciokas, N1QIQ
Treasurer: Elaine Kile, KB1IBF
Board of Directors:
Gary Schwartz, N1ZCE
Don Koch, NT1L
Charlie Bures, WA3ITR
Harold Binder, KB1LTO
Greg Kinchla, W1KIN
Billerica ARS (BARS) held an ice cream social combined with a low power operation in the NAQP SSB contest in August. For the September meeting, BARS hosted Eric KV1J for a W1QSL Bureau card sort. These QSL sorts by clubs greatly facilitate the operation of the QSL Bureau. If your club would like to help the W1QSL Bureau in this way please contact Eric <> to determine an open date.
You might want to check out a new activity called Dan’s Tech Night. Starting, Thursday September 14th, TechNight will be held every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 7-10 PM, at the Grady Research Building in Ayer, MA. TechNight is open to anyone with an interest in radio or electronics, from age 6 to 100. Though it is directed mainly at the Ham Radio enthusiast, it also covers general electronics. For more information visit <>. (Info via Kayla, W2IRY.)
1. Orchard House 5&10K (running event – race)
Concord, MA
Sunday, September 17th.
Benefit: Louisa May Alcott historic home/museum, Concord.
2. CF Cycle for Life (cycling event)
Holliston, MA
Saturday, October 7
Benefit: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Massachusetts
The Orchard House event needs stationary and mobile units for medical communications and non-medical runner transport. Operations will be conducted on the N1CON repeater (UHF/VHF).
The CF event needs mobile units for SAG (cyclist) support and non-medical transport and help in the operations center. We will use DMR (uhf/vhf), U/V analog, and a commercial radio system.
Please contact:
Mark Richards (K1MGY).
617 592 4392
Bill, W1KX, 1RN Net Manager reports 62 sessions of the First Region Net handling 145 pieces of traffic in August.
Marcia, KW1U, serves both Eastern and Western Massachusetts sections as the Section Traffic Manager (STM).
EMA/WMA NTS Nets are listed below. Please support the nets and check in.
EM2MN 145.230 MHz 8 PM Daily EMA 2 Meter Net
MARIPN 3978 KHz 6PM Tu, Th, Sa MASS/Rhode Island
HHTN MMRA Repeaters 10PM Su, M, W, F Heavy Hitters
CITN 147.375 MHz 7:30 PM M, Tu, Th, Sa Cape & Islands
MARI 3565 KHz 7PM Daily MASS/Rhode Island
CM2MN 146.970 MHz 9PM Daily Central MA
WMTN 146.910 MHz 10AM Daily WMA
WMTN 146.910 MHz 1PM Daily WMA
WMEN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su WMA
NEPN 3945 KHz 8:45 Su NE Phone Net
See the monthly “Public Service” column in QST for information about the BPL and PSHR recognitions.
It saddens us to hear of the passing of Joe O’Brien K1LCQ last January 9, 2017. Joe was for many years an icon of the East Mass Two Meter Traffic Net, holding the position of Friday night NCS for at least 30 years before becoming ill last year. When I first upgraded to General class from a Novice in 1982 Joe was on the Boston repeater reliably every Friday and always signed off with “88s to the ladies”. We will surely miss him. RIP Joe and 73 from the gang on EM2MN. More at <>. (From Marcia, KW1U).
Congratulations to the volunteers and the great folks who pulled off this year’s New England Division Convention at Boxboro!
Tom, K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW