Heavy Hitters Traffic Net “Field Day” Edition

The Heavy Hitters Traffic Net, one of the primary VHF FM local NTS nets in Eastern MA will run on a special field day schedule, according to John Miller, N1UMJ.

“HHTN will have a special ‘field day edition’ on Saturday night,” says Miller. HHTN convenes at 10:00 pm ET on the MMRA linked repeater network.

“It should have all the usual Monday-through-Friday Heavy Hitters NTS repeaters linked in. This way,” explains N1UMJ, “the field day groups that are going to get the bonus points for sending the NTS messages have an outlet to do so they might not normally have.”

[For more information about Field Day and the groups participating in Field Day ’08 in Eastern MA, see http://ema.arrl.org/fd.]

Cape Cod Traffic Plan Exercise

Hello to all…

The following RACES exercise information came from Bob Mims-WA1OEZ:

Mass. State Police, Mass. Highway, MEMA, VOAD, and several Cape Cod communities will be conducting a hurricane drill to exercise the new Cape Cod Emergency Traffic Plan (CCETP).

As part of this exercise the Region II manager has asked us to open the Region II RACES Network on Tuesday evening, May 13th, leading up to the main exercise day on Wed. May 14TH 2008. We will open all four Region II RACES Nets at 7:00 pm and will have exercise traffic for any and all Region II communities that wish to participate

For further information contact Bob Mims, WA1OEZ, Region II RACES Radio Officer at 508-823-7443 or wa1oez@arrl.net


Western MA ARRL To Offer NTS Traffic Handling Refresher Course

Western MA ARRL logo[Western MA] ASM Northwest Ralph Swick, KD1SM will be teaching a NTS Traffic Handling refresher course. This class will take place on 03/24/2007 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Worcester ECC Building (i.e. National Guard Building) at 50 Skyline Drive, Worcester. The course is free and open to all area hams.

The class will go over NTS traffic writing, net protocol and procedure and tactical messaging. Students are strongly encouraged to bring with them a notepad, pen and HT.

If you are new to Emergency Communications and/or the National Traffic System or just in need of a refresher this is a good beginners program from which to learn.

We would appreciate a rough head count, so if you think you will be attending, please email Mark Rubin, WB1ARZ, whom is hosting the event on behalf of the Worcester Emergency Communications Team.

–Thanks, wma.arrl.org