NJ1Q: “ARRL Headquarters W1AW Station Tour,” Billerica ARS Online Meeting, November 4, 2020

W1AW buildingAndy Wallace, KA1GTT, writes on the Billerica Amateur Radio Society website:

All, I am extremely excited to announce our next Zoom meeting will be a tour of the W1AW station at ARRL HQ in Newington CT!

Some of you have been lucky enough to work W1AW on the bands – some even in the A.M. mode. Even QSLed it. Even luckier BARS members have been on a field trip down to tour the station! I have not – and like many of you will find this a great first time experience!

Courtesy of BARS’s Doug Bruce, KC1MJK – who worked W1AW recently and got us in touch – we have arranged a virtual tour of W1AW for our November meeting. Thanks, Doug, and especially thank you, Joe! He has done other virtual tours so helping BARS in this way should go well. As a bonus our meeting time coincides with W1AW actually being on the air so we will see it in operation.

W1AW is the “voice” of the American Radio Relay League and as an ARRL affiliated club BARS has a stake in their heritage. Joe will field questions and it sounds like this tour will be “the next best thing to being there” as they say.

We will have  a bit of club business – our club election in fact – at the beginning of our meeting, and Joe’s tour will commence thereafter.

Let’s show a great turnout for this! Thank you Doug and Joe.

We will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list and should not be shared outside our Club. Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to bars-subscribe@w1hh.org and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed.

Observing our Zoom meeting requires only a web browser and headphones/speakers. You do not need a webcam or microphone unless you want to speak or be seen.

Before our meeting date, please go to https://zoom.us/test and see if it will function for you. If you have problems, we can try to assist – feel free to ask questions on the BARS email list.

I am looking forward to “seeing” many of you Wednesday 11/4/20.



President, Billerica Amateur Radio Society