CA Handi-ham Camp Slots Available

WA0TDA writes:

“As of today, we are estimating that there are six places left at California Radio camp, March 2 – 9, 2003. If you know of a potential new ham who would qualify for Handi-Ham services and be interested in getting a first license at camp, please alert them to this opportunity. We do teach all levels of licensure at camp, including operating skills and computing for those already licensed at any level, but the beginners are eligible for a campership to pay a significant part of the camp tuition if they cannot afford it. Please e-mail or call toll-free 1-866-426-3442. Campers will meet Bill Pasternak, Gordon West, and Bob Zeida, as well as our other volunteers!”

[EMA clubs: do you have a new or would-be disabled ham living in your community? Consider sponsoring him or her for this camp! -K9HI]

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