W1MPN writes at 12:22 pm ET:
Hello to all…
I will be co-located with Tom, N1CPE, in the Framingham bunker. Please pass traffic intended to for me the same way Tom described in his earlier email, except use the tactical identification “Eastern Mass” and my call W1MPN.
Please use the same procedures we just practiced a couple of weeks ago.1. Each town should guard the sector RACES repeater, and pass traffic on another agreed frequency (repeater or simplex). Look on the website under “Where am I” button to find your town and RACES/ARES frequency.
2. If no one is net control, please assume those duties until not needed or relieved by a RACES net control station.
3. Coordinate your group or other relay stations on your resource nets. Please move check-ins from the RACES/ARES repeater to your resource
frequency(ies). Use the ones you used for the exercise, as they are still up on the website for you to view.
4. Assist SKYWARN in any way you can with damage reports and wind/snow exceeding guidelines. In the case of Waltham net, make use of the MMRA
network to move your traffic. They are only too happy to help us.
Thanks for your help, and 73,
Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Emergency Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts Section
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