Photo courtesy W1MPN (Press on the photo to see larger version that includes Glenn Field)
Story contributed by Bill Ricker, N1VUX
Rob Macedo, KD1CY, EMA DEC for SKYWARN and Southern New England Ham Coordinator for NWS WFO BOX’s 4-state SKYWARN program, was awarded one of only 36 nation-wide NOAA Environmental Hero awards for Earth Day 2003. The award was presented by Glenn Field, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, NWS BOX, with the assistance of Robert Thompson, M.I.C., and Mark M. Mahoney, New Bedford Emergency Management Director. Presentation was made as a surprise at the annual Hurricane Workshop, at New Bedford High School, only a few miles from Rob’s home in New Bedford. Also congratulating Rob was the keynote speaker, Max Mayfield, Director of the NWS Tropical Prediction Center & National Hurricane Center.Of the 36 nation-wide awards, only 9 were NWS sponsored, and of those, only two others were SKYWARN volunteers (Alabama & Michigan); the rest are government EMD or related staff and a broadcast meteorologist. Of the 36, 5 were posthumous and one was institutional.
The general citation is: “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration this year presented its Environmental Hero Award to 35 individuals and one organization from across the United States and around the world. Held in conjunction with Earth Day celebrations, the award honors NOAA volunteers for their “tireless efforts to preserve and protect our nation’s environment.”
“NOAA and the nation are fortunate to have such dedicated people volunteer so much of their time,” said retired Navy Vice Adm. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Ph.D., undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “They set a perfect example for others to follow in their communities. America needs more environmental heroes like them.”
Established in 1995 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, the Environmental Hero award is presented to individuals and organizations that volunteer their time and energy to help NOAA carry out its mission. Previous recipients include oceanographers Jean-Michel Cousteau and Sylvia Earle, and actor Ted Danson, head of the American Oceans Campaign. “On behalf of the 12,500 men and women working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, I am pleased to present you with this 2003 Environmental Hero Award,” Lautenbacher wrote in a letter to the recipients. “Your dedicated efforts and outstanding accomplishments greatly benefit the environment and make our nation a better place for all Americans.”
The short-form of Rob’s citation reads: “Robert Macedo, a full-time senior engineer with Works at EMC Corp. in New Bedford, Mass., has been the SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS-Taunton since 1994. He has helped the program grow from 800 weather spotters in southern New England (1994) to 3,500 (2003). He drafts and distributes his own e-mail newsletter to more than 700 key spotters and emergency managers, organizes NWS training sessions and uses his personal time to promote the NWS mission. Because of Macedo’s efforts, the NWS receives more real-time reports than ever before, thus having a direct, immediate and positive impact on NWS warning operations. He has also assisted NOAA in surveying storm damage and the implementation and testing of the new high frequency tower/antenna now in place at NWS-Taunton.”
NOAA Press Release:
NOAA EarthDay homepage with award list:
Hurricane Workshop:
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And, there may be more story to follow … Rob is, as I type this, once again with our friends from NWS BOX, attending the Greater Boston Federal Executive Board
Public Service Recognition Week “Execllence in Government Awards” Luncheon ($40 rubber chicken) at JFK Presidential Library in Boston, where he will be introduced as a finalist for Volunteer of the Year. (3 staff members of NWS BOX are finalists in other categories: WCM Field for Customer Service, SOO Dave Vallee for Science, and their Admin for Admin.)
So check tonight / tomorrow to see who won! [Regretfully, nobody won – W1MPN]
May 7, 2003 – EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT AWARDS – The Greater Boston Federal Executive Board will sponsor this government-wide event to recognize outstanding the public service of local Federal employees. This year’s event will not only recognize outstanding public service among the local Federal ranks but also be a unique celebration of freedom and public service while remembering those who are fighting for our country. It will be chaired by US Army Brigadier General Craig A. Peterson, Commanding General for Homeland Operations in New England and will feature a performance by the USO.