Frequency updates

Please change 147.05 to 147.405 in RACES/ARES/SKYWARN simplex frequency listing.

The following are updates to the 2003 SET frequency plans found in the main SET announcement below:

Middlesex District:

146.955/74.4 Pri
147.270/146.2 Sec
146.640 Liaison


3943, 3937, 7232, 7275

Stow and Westford EOCs will use VHF as listed plus any local freqs as needed

Cape Cod and Islands:

CCARES Guard Frequencies

Exercise Wrap-Up activities

From KD1CY…
Hello to all…

In addition to narrative reports or other report forms that are utilized for
after action reports in the drill, we should utilize the following SET forms
as attached in this email. I attached the two files but they are simply the
same form just in different formats. We can have EC’s, where possible, fill
out the information and if there aren’t EC’s available to fill out the info,
the DEC’s can do it. With these forms, all the data can be tabulated to come
up with district and then a section total for points and record keeping and
then Mike can send it to the ARRL. This should ease the burden on Mike and
if we can push it down to our EC’s, it eases the burden on all of us.Instead of sending this directly to “the first of the first responders” at
ARRL HQ in Newington, CT as instructed in the form, we should request the
EC’s to send the reports to the DEC’s and then we can give them or send them
to Mike to be sent to the ARRL. This way we follow “incident command” as
Mark would like to see.

This is NOT a replacement for our other more meaningful forms and narrartive
reports. Its just a way to record the needed info for ARRL HQ and make Mike
look awesome to our “superiors” or “the first responders”. 😉

Let me know if anyone has any questions. Thanks!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Southeast Massachusetts ARES District Emergency Coordinator
SEMARA ARES Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Simulated Emergency Test to Receive PR on WBZ Radio

wbz logoMark Duff, KB1EKN writes:

“Thanks to the efforts of the Eastern Mass Public Relations Section Staff, tomorrow’s (11/8/03) Simulated Emergency Test will be mentioned on WBZ Radio. Yours truly was interviewed today over the telephone for a news release to be aired tomorrow morning. While you are sitting at home reporting the snow totals, you may also want to tune in 1030 AM [that’s frequency, not time] and enjoy the show.”

Mark J. Duff/KB1EKN
Metro-Boston DEC

Thanks to Bill McIninch – KA1MOM, ARRL Metro Boston PIO, for his work in making this interview happen. …N1IV

Falmouth Hams Use High Tech Devices to Track Runners

Falmouth ARA logo
Contact: Henry Brown, K1WCC , Publicist 508-274-5644
Falmouth Amateur Radio Association


Members of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association combined GPS (Global Positioning System), ham radio and a laptop computer to track the location of the “tired runner” vans during the recent Cape Cod Marathon in Falmouth.

The system, called Automated Position Reporting System or APRS, was developed by a Maryland ham for automated weather and vehicle tracking by amateur radio operators.
Falmouth club members installed the operation in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at Falmouth Fire and Rescue headquarters on Main St. Each tired runner van had an amateur operator on board as well as a VHF radio and GPS receiver. The VHF radio broadcast the van’s GPS position via the club’s repeater at Falmouth Hospital to the computer at the EOC. A large map of Falmouth was projected on a wall screen by the computer, with the location of each van indicated on the map within a few feet of its actual position. Knowing the exact location of the vans enabled radio operators at the EOC to more efficiently dispatch the vans to the nearest tired or injured runner. The system updated the van position every 30 seconds.

In addition to the vans, a club member roamed the race course in his own vehicle, also equipped with a GPS/radio combination.

Active during the race were 6 club members at the EOC and 26 more on the race course and at medical facilities as primary communications providers for event. The emergency amateur station at the Falmouth Hospital Emergency room was also activated.

The Falmouth Club decided to invest in the APRS equipment to enhance their capabilities during emergencies and special events such as the Cape Cod Marathon and the Falmouth Road Race. The actual APRS hardware in each van is extremely compact and unobtrusive.

The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association has long been primary communications provider for the Cape Cod Marathon, and also assists at the Falmouth Road Race, special events on Cape Cod and works with Falmouth Emergency Management during emergencies.

Anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio and its role in Falmouth is invited to attend the monthly club meetings held in the basement of Town Hall on the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. FARA is one of the largest amateur radio clubs in New England, with over 200 members.

W1S Special Event Station!

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC logoThe Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will operate Special Event Station “W1S” from 00:00Z November 19 until 23:59Z November 23. They will be operating from the W1SMH Club Radio Room at Sturdy Memorial Hospital to celebrate their 25th Anniversary as an Amateur Radio Club. Approximate frequencies are 28.350, 21.400, 14.300, 14.050 and 7.250… these will probably vary. A nice Certificate will be available to anyone working the Station. Please send S.A.S.E. (9″x12″) and QSO info to our W1SMH Callbook address. More info is available on the club’s web site at

Waltham ARA/1200 RC Auction November 15, 2003

K1OJH actioning off oscilloscopeThe Waltham Amateur Radio Association and the 1200 Radio Club will hold its annual Amateur Radio and Electronics Auction on Saturday, November 15, 2003, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Newton Masonic Hall (second floor), 460 Newtonville Avenue, at the corner of Walnut Street, in Newtonville. (This is a large red brick building. It is near the Star Market that stands astride the Mass. Turnpike.)

Seller check-in starts at 9:00 a.m. Free parking is available in municipal lot across Walnut Street; metered parking on street. Please do NOT park in the lot next to the Masonic Hall, or in the Star Market parking lot. (They tow!)

For auction rules and additional information, please see

[Above: K1OJH actioning off an oscilloscope at the 1998 Waltham ARA/1200 RC Auction. Photo courtesy WARA]

Phillip J. McGan Award

It was announced today that Tim Lewallen – KD5ING has been chosen to receive the 2003 Phillip J. McGan “Silver Antenna Award”. Lewallen has been licensed since 1999, and is an ARRL Public Information Officer (PIO) for the League’s North Texas Section. He also serves as a PIO for the Nacogdoches Amateur Radio Club.

Tim handled a tremendous amount of PR responsibilities for the Nacogdoches, TX club in the aftermath of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. He brought Amateur Radio’s role to light on a Local, State and National level and continues to promote our hobby/service. Congratulations to Tim on his award!Complete ARRL Story at

MMRA Repater Controller Improvements

Minuteman RA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association’s repeater linking capability has been greatly improved, thanks to the efforts of Bob De Mattia, K1IW. According to MMRA President Kevin Paetzold, K1KWP, De Mattia has been working on the repeater controller firmware to “make the local linking capability at Weston 146.82 and 224.70 more accessible, fix the timeout defaults for the user link codes, and [correct miscellaneous] bugs.” Thanks, The Minuteman, November 2003

KY1N Memorial List 11/01/03

                        The KY1N Memorial List
   Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
                            Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                     Location           Phone
11/02/03 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
11/03/03 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
11/08/03 08:45  William J Needham, K1WN     Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
11/08/03 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
11/08/03 12:00  Daniel Miller, K3UFG        Newington       CT 860-206-3379
11/08/03 09:30  Marvin Fleischman, N1AWJ    Stamford        CT 203-438-7889
11/09/03 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-281-1408
11/09/03 10:30  Mort Stahl, KH6GR           Gorham          NH 603-466-2019
11/11/03 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L       Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
11/12/03 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
11/13/03 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
11/13/03 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
11/14/03 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
11/14/03 19:00 *Steven Telsey, N1BDA        Concord         MA 978-369-7366
11/15/03 09:00  Bill Sullivan, K1AG         Bangor          ME 207-947-4051
11/15/03 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
11/15/03 09:00  Roy Hilt, K1JNR             New London      CT 860-848-3021
11/15/03 09:00  John Bergeron, WZ1N         Portland        ME 207-799-3687
11/18/03 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
11/19/03 17:30  Donald R Smith, AE1Q        Augusta         ME 207-495-3891
11/19/03 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
11/19/03 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
11/20/03 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
11/21/03 18:30  Albert Noble, AA1CZ         Saco            ME 207-642-8830
11/22/03 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN      Bloomfield      CT 860-243-1611
11/22/03 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
11/26/03 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
11/28/03 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
11/29/03 09:00  Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY       West Warwick    RI 401-822-2592
12/06/03 11:30  Frank Sileo, N1PE           Brookfield      CT 203-438-0218
12/06/03 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
12/06/03 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK       Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
12/06/03 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y           Nashua          NH 603-672-4035
12/06/03 08:45  Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM      Newport         NH 603-543-1389
12/07/03 12:00 *Lawrence Bartlett, K1DPD    Belfast         ME 207-525-3226
12/07/03 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
12/08/03 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
12/09/03 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L       Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
12/10/03 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
12/11/03 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
12/11/03 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
12/12/03 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
12/13/03 10:00  Wes Clement, N1WC           Bath            ME 207-729-8563
12/13/03 08:45  William J Needham, K1WN     Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
12/13/03 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
12/13/03 12:00  Daniel Miller, K3UFG        Newington       CT 860-206-3379
12/14/03 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-281-1408
12/16/03 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
12/17/03 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
12/18/03 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
12/20/03 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN      Bloomfield      CT 860-243-1611
12/20/03 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
12/20/03 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
12/24/03 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
12/24/03 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
12/26/03 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
12/27/03 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
01/03/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
01/08/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
01/08/04 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
01/09/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
01/10/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
01/11/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
01/12/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
01/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
01/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
01/15/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
01/15/04 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK        Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
01/17/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
01/20/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
01/21/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
01/21/04 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
01/23/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
01/24/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
01/28/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
02/01/04 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
02/07/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
02/08/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
02/09/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
02/11/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
02/12/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
02/12/04 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
02/13/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
02/14/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
02/17/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
02/18/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
02/18/04 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
02/19/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
02/21/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
02/24/04 12:00  Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
02/25/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
02/27/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
02/27/04 09:00  Mitch Stern, W1SJ           Milton          VT 802-879-6589
02/28/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
02/28/04 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
03/06/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
03/08/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
03/10/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
03/11/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
03/12/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
03/13/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
03/14/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
03/16/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
03/18/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
03/20/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
03/24/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/24/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
03/26/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
03/27/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
03/27/04 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y           Nashua          NH 603-672-4035
04/03/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/08/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
04/09/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/10/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
04/11/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/12/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
04/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
04/15/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
04/17/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/20/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
04/21/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/23/04 18:00 *Mitch Stern, W1SJ           Essex Junction  VT 802-879-6589
04/23/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
04/24/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
04/24/04 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
04/28/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535

                      * = PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY
                   +  = PLEASE CALL TO GAURANTEE SEATING
                        T = Technician Exams only
                           Times are Local Time
    Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
              For the latest examination information, check
            If attending a session please remember to bring:
   1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
   2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
   3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
   4) The 2003 test session fee of $12.00
                 All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
 For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-672-4035,
                     via email at

FARA Fall Flea, Sunday, November 2

Framingham ARA logoDon’t miss the Framingham Amateur Radio Association’s Fall Flea Sunday, November 2, 2003 at the Walsh Middle School in Framingham. Doors open at 9 a.m. Admission for buyes is $5 (under 12, free accompanied by adult). A volunteer exam session will be conducted on the premises. Door prizes will be drawn; the winner of the grand prize will win a new two-meter HT.

For further information and directions, see