From: Telsey, Steven
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 12:26 PM
Subject: ARECC Exams Offered
The Eastern Massachusetts Section ARES is sponsoring an ARECC exam session:
Date: Saturday, February 28, 10:00am
Location: State Emergency Operations Center (MEMA HQ)
400 Worcester Road(Route 9 eastbound), Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Directions: See
Note: This is a secure facility. Pre-registration by Monday, February 23 is required. Please contact Mike Neilsen at You must bring a photo ID to be admitted.
Exams Offered: Exams for Levels I-III will be offered.
Exam Format: Multiple choice. Open-book, but no collaboration
Cost: The cost is $10.00 per exam, $30.00 to take all three levels. You may retake a level once if necessary without additional cost if you do not pass with 80% or better. 73,
Exam Coordinator: Steve Telsey, N1BDA
40 Pine St.
Concord, MA 01742
978-369-7366 Evenings