“Bill Ricker of Dorchester maintains the computer system of a Boston financial institution. But whether at work, or at home, or on the road, he always has one eye on the sky, watching for danger.”
The February 1, 2004 Boston Globe features a well-written article about Bill Ricker, N1VUX and his SKYWARN activities. Entitled Low-tech spotter scans the skies, alert to danger the article talks about Bill’s involvement with the SKYWARN program and how Amateur Radio plays a pivotal role in confirming severe weather. Glenn Field (KB1GHX) of the National Weather Service, who is also interviewed is paraphrased, saying, “[Hams] are essential for verifying what radar images make meteorologists suspect, and for helping increase the lead time residents can be given of dangerous weather.”
“Ricker adds that his radio network can communicate during storms that knock out other communication systems, such as telephones. So he makes a point of trying to keep his radio with him wherever he goes. Basically, says Ricker, ‘I spot wherever I am.'”