DON’T FORGET – The Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will be sponsoring a Blood Drive on Thursday, April 22, 2004 at the Congregational Church, 17 West Street, Mansfield, MA. The drive will run from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please help us support the American Red Cross by giving blood or even by donating your time to assist at the drive.Parking is available on West Street in front of the Church, on Union Street (across from 15 West Street) and in the Mansfield Police Station lot at 50 West Street. As always, the local Red Cross Chapter personnel will be handling all of the blood donation duties. For more information, call the American Red Cross’ Laurie Teixeira at 1-800-462-9400, Extension 2067. You can also view the article on the Sturdy Club’s web site at To offer assistance to the club at the drive, contact John Benson – N1FLO at Again, please help us support this extremely worthwhile cause.