Members and friends of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club honored Jeffery J. Lehmann, N1ZZN with their “Outstanding Amateur Radio Operator” award at a special club meeting on October 6. Club officials presented the plaque to Lehmann, along with a check for $1500.
Attendees at the award ceremony included the local media, members of Lehmann’s family and Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI, who presented N1ZZN with an ARRL Certificate of Merit.
Lehmann, a licensed Amateur since the age of 13, was nominated last year for the prestigious Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award. He’s been a key player in local ham activities, including the Plimoth Plantation Special Event station and the 100th anniversary Marconi Special Event operation. N1ZZN is a regular participant in the local traffic nets, SKYWARN, and numerous other public service events.