Approximately ten members of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club provided communications support for the Town’s Winterfest activities. Thousands of people visited downtown Whitman to enjoy free ice cream and see tree lighting, wood- and ice-carving exhibits.
The amateurs established a Net Control Station at the Whitman Fire-Rescue Station downtown. They conducted communications on the club’s 147.225 repeater. Additional assignments included: roving portables, the Ben & Jerry’s truck, the center of town, and the tree lighting.
The Whitman Fire-Rescue Chief, Tim Travers, provided the team with a landline to the fire dispatcher, located one floor below. The NCS position received visits from Travers as well as a number of the Town’s firefighers. Thankfully, no emergencies were reported during the event.
Photos, left: At Net Control: K1BZD, N1OGP, K1RB, N1FRE, N1SOM, N1VTI (not shown); right: Ice carving exhibit
—Thanks, Whitman ARC Spectrum, December 2004