The scouting activities aboard the USS Salem in Quincy are in danger of collapse. This, according to Harold “Pi” Pugh, K1RV, in the wake of the resignation of USS Salem Scout Coordinator “JC” Cunningham, W1AI.
Despite numerous pleas for ham assistance, Cunningham and company have been unable to recruit any new volunteers. Wrote Cunningham, “I received zero volunteers, so I have cancelled all K1USN activities on the USS Salem for tomorrow (3/12/2005). I hereby resign as Scout Coordinator!”Pugh, who coordinated the program prior to Cunningham, praised W1AI’s efforts. “I want to personally thank J.C. for all his hard work during the past several years maintaining this program! …I know how difficult it can be to keep up the momentum.”
“We have had a wonderful time during the past eight years running the International Museum Ships Weekend and other K1USN operations,” added Pugh. “These have helped draw much deserved attention to the USS Salem, but those activities may not be enough to keep K1USN ‘afloat.’ On more than one occasion we have been threatened with eviction from the ship if we can’t find a way to regularly assist the Overnight Scouting Program.”
Pugh stated the group now has an “immediate need” for someone to step forward to become the new Scouting Coordinator. He added that the group can give the next coordinator all the training he or she needs to get started.
“As J.C. has stated in the past, the Scouting Coordinator does NOT have to live nearby the ship. All the main duties can be handled by e-mail and phone.”
Concluded K1RV: “We need to find a way to get some more of the hams in Eastern Massachusetts to want to help save this program.”
Amateurs in Eastern MA are encouraged to forward this message to anyone who might be interested in salvaging the USS Salem’s Overnight Scouting Program.