MRAS (Massachusetts RACES ARES SKYWARN) leaders have announced a state-wide hurricane drill to be held on the evening of June 6, 2005.
“This drill has typically been in Region II only but will be done statewide [with approval] by Dave Martineau at MA Emergency Management Agency Headquarters,” writes Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY.
Macedo hopes to involve the VoIP Hurricane Preparation Net and the National Hurricane Center in the exercise. “The National Weather Service will be staffed and the hope is to staff all typical ARES stations as would normally be done for an ARES Exercise/hurricane situation.”
According to MA State RACES Officer Tom Kinahan, N1CPE, “All participants are requested to attend a briefing at the State Emergency Operations Center in Framingham on May 14 at 10 AM.”
Further details will be worked out by the MRAS leadership team over the next few weeks. Please monitor the Eastern MA ARES web site for additional updates.