Harvard Wireless Club Participates in Merit Badge U Activities

HWC shieldHarvard Wireless Club (HWC) members participated in the Boston Minuteman Council’s “Merit Badge University” on April 9, 2005. The program serves Scouts in the greater Boston area. According to the Boston Minuteman Council’s web site, “Scouts can earn up to three merit badges in such diverse areas as American Cultures, Journalism, and Radio. Classes are taught by counselors from the Boston Minuteman Council and by Harvard students with Scouting experience.” The event is co-sponsored by the Harvard Friends of Scouting and the Boston Minuteman Council Activities Committee.

HWC members KG2OT, N1QZY, N1EXQ, and W1HFA participated in the event. “[Approximately] twenty-five scouts came through the club and divided their time up between a class upstairs […] and some good solid radio contact with our off-site reps down in the station under [N1QZY’s] supervision,” wrote Matt Gline, KG2OT. “It was nice to see the club active and nice to see people genuinely interested in radio.”

Gline added, “The people in charge of Merit Badge University thanked us for being around, and I promised our services in years to come.”

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