The Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is sponsoring a one day ham radio class to help you get your Technician class amateur radio license. Knowledge of the Morse code is NOT required for this class license. The class will cover all of the topics you need to know to pass the exam.
Date will be Saturday November 19, 2005. Location will be the Murdock Middle school. 42 Brick Kiln Road, Chelmsford MA. The class will run from 9 AM to 6 PM. At 6:30 PM there will be a VE exam session where you can take the Exam to get your license. The cost of the class is $15. The $15 fee includes BARS membership for one year. The fee is waved for current BARS members and their family. The exam will cost $14.00.
To prepare for the class it is recommended that you purchase and review the Book “Now You’re Talking!” 5th edition before the class. This book is available at HRO in Salem NH, on the web at and from Please contact me if you wish to register for this class.
Space is limited. People will be registered on a first come basis.
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Phone 987 851 2886
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