A Marshfield amateur has announced plans for a special event operation commemorating the accomplishments of radio pioneer and inventor Reginald Fessenden. Dave Riley, AA1A and the Fessenden Amateur Radio Society (W1FRV) will operate from January 1 through January 31, 2006 from Brant Rock, MA for the 100th year commemoration of transoceanic 2-way communications on 18.075 14.055 10.118 7.055 MHz.
All who participate are encouraged to use a “/BO” suffix (Fessenden’s radio station “BO,” or “Big Ocean”) during the event.
“Fessenden lived in Marshfield from about 1905 to 1911 or so and had a most turbulent round of successes and failures with both the scientific and legal communities,” states Riley on his web site. “His most remarkable feat here was the world’s first radio broadcast on Christmas Eve, 1906 and again on New Year’s Eve, a week later.”
Participants may QSL via RAF.NESCO, Box 686, Brant Rock, MA 02020.
[See also: http://www.radiocom.net/Fessenden/.]