Roland Daignault, Jr., N1JOY writes on bcra-club list:
Great news!! Between the Bristol County Repeater Association‘s last 3 VE sessions, we have passed a gaggle of new hams that are all kids!
Last month a student from KB1CNA’s school passed his Tech exam […] keep an ear open for Sonny on the 145.15 machine.
Last night we had two more students pass their Technician exams, one from KB1CNA’s and one from KB1CNB’s school, respectively. Tonight, four more kids passed their Technician! (Three from Kuss Middle School, and one from Morton Middle School.) That’s seven kids in a month, and even the oldest (by several years) barely has a learner’s permit to drive. All of the others are middle school age, and are plenty excited about ham radio.
Let’s also not forget two brand new adult hams (Technician class) and a passed General written exam for a new ham who has only had his call sign a few days.
Of the seven kids, six took part in the Kuss School program that the BCRA has been supporting for the last three years. So far, we have licensed 12 kids and three adults who have attended the program. How cool is that? It’s so cool that we still have several more kids at Kuss who are planning to take their exams soon. Stay tuned.
Thanks to W2DAN and WA1ESO who came most weeks to help with the classes at Kuss, and especially to the BCRA VE team for conducting two test sessions on consecutive evenings.
So, please keep an ear open for a bunch of new operators, and please welcome them to the hobby in the best ways we know how. Surely we’ll hear a few new voices on the 6 PM youth gathering on the ‘515 repeater.