Free Amateur Radio License Course Offered
“The Whitman Emergency Management Agency will co-sponsor along with The Whitman Amateur Radio Club a Technician Radio Operators license course which no longer requires Morse Code.
“The classes will run for 8 weeks with a FCC license examination given on the ninth week. Early pre-registration is advised as the classes will begin on Wednesday, September 13, at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at the Whitman Fire/Rescue Station on Temple Street. To register call 781-447-1655, and leave your contact information.
“There are no age or special educational requirements, just a willingness to learn about this fascinating hobby. Basic electronics, radio theory, FCC rules, and safety are some of the study materials covered. Although the course is free, there is a required text book that costs about $20.
“In addition to the 48 trained Citizens Emergency Response Team members, last years (sic) class room effort produced five additional licensed radio operators that can legally operate the radio communications equipment at the Whitman EOC, as well as provide supplemental emergency communication assistance in time of need.”
—Whitman Express, September 7, 2006