KC1YR Recognized For Volunteer Efforts at FARA

Cake for webmaster KC1YR at FARACertificate for webmaster KC1YR at FARAThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association presented a special certificate and cake to Sharon Machlis Gartenberg, KC1YR for her 10 years of service to the club as its webmaster and publicity director on June 7, 2007.

“It was an honor to be recognized for my years of service to the club, considering how many other people have also done so much for FARA over the years,” writes Gartenberg.

[Photos, courtesy WA1HAM: “Thank you” cake; FARA President Gordy Bello, K1GB (left) presents certificate to Sharon Machlis Gartenberg, KC1YR (center), while Sharon’s “OM”, Lee Gartenberg, K1GL (right) applaudes.]

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