The Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club has been busy revamping its communications capabilities, writes SMHARC member John Benson, N1FLO. Benson reports that club members have upgraded some of the radios in the radio room, installed new antennas, and added an uninterruptible power supply to the APRS digipeater. “The HF radio is next,” Benson adds.
The club just completed an “Airmail” project which allows SMHARC to send electronic mail via radio. Experiments with the Airmail system have begun. “[For] those of you with working TNCs and laptops, it makes a great shelter item to bring along; the program is easy to use.”
Benson acknowledged the valuable assistance rendered on the project by KA1EWN, W1TW, N1DPY and KB1KA.
“We now have a full-fledged emergency communications room in the hospital.”