Briggs Longbothum, AB2NJ writes on the CAARA mailing list:
Just an FYI to give you the “heads up” on an interesting night of radio coming up this Thursday, August 2, 2007. The “BAD GUYS” of the Boston Area DXers (BADX) club will be convening at Woodmans in Essex for their annual DX Clams dinner at 5pm. Following that, the gang will repair to Granite Pier in Rockport for an evening of MW DXing. This you gotta see! These guys are very accomplished and sophisticated SWLers (most are also hams) and they really know how to deploy and use antennas to haul in and log the far away AM broadcast band stations from all over. With their high-end Drake receivers (and a new SDR-1Q black box radio will be there too) and Beverages (antennas, of course), loops, and whips along with phase controllers and preamps, they’ll be logging TAs (Trans-Atlantics) from Europe to Africa as well as Carribbeans and SAs (South American stations). And you thought WLS in Chicago was a good MW catch?
Anyway, you’re all welcomed to stop by and look in and listen in on the action. If you can’t catch up with us at Woodmans, we’ll be the gang under that cobweb of whips and wires out on the pier after 7pm. Remember, you can’t work ’em if you can’t hear ’em and this crowd really has the “hearing ’em” part down pat. Hope to see some of you there Thursday night on the pier.