ARRL section and division appointees and affiliated club leaders attended the winter New England Division Cabinet Meeting in Springfield, Massachusetts on January 5, 2007. The cabinet meetings precede ARRL Board of Directors meetings by 1-2 weeks.
Approximately 30 people from all of the seven New England Division ARRL sections attended the day-long meeting, co-chaired by Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI and Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF. The meeting encompassed a wide-ranging discussion covering numerous issues, including new ham recruitment, the impact of PAVE PAWS on Amateur Radio 440 MHz repeaters, and results from the WRC 2007 conference.
Special guest Mary Hobart, K1MMH, ARRL Chief Development Officer spoke about planning efforts underway to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ARRL in 2014. Mike Raisbeck took the opportunity to update attendees on NEARFest and Boxboro. Numerous items were auctioned at the conclusion of the meeting; $175 of collected funds were earmarked for donation to the ARRL Historical Fund.
Minutes of the meeting are available for viewing.