KD2S, Digital Pioneer: Silent Key

Den Connors, KD2S, circa 1982Den Connors, KD2S, the first president of Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) of Pepperell, Massachusetts, passed away September 3 from lymphoma. He was 58. Connors, an ARRL Life Member, conducted the first amateur packet radio contact with all-American hardware and software, using the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Terminal Node Controller (TNC) with Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD (now KK7P). [Full story, ARRL Web]

KD2S was one of the early movers and shakers in the New England Packet Radio Association. In addition to his digital contributions, Connors was also an active participant in ARES and RACES.

“Den was on our crew for Region 1 comms for Seabrook and storms,” writes Terry Stader, KA8SCP, an Eastern MA ASM and MA Region 1 RACES Officer. “He worked the emergency management side for many years. He will be missed.”

Photo, above: Den Connors, KD2S, circa 1982 courtesy TAPR

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