Attention: ARRL Affiliated and Special Service Clubs
Affiliated Clubs
Even though your club has submitted an application as an ARRL Affiliated club and this application has been approved…you still are required to submit an annual report each year to ARRL headquarters. The date of your last club update is included in your club’s detailed page.
Any official of the club can submit this annual report although I would recommend that this be the job of the club secretary. It is easy to submit this report, simply locate your club in the ARRL database at: Once you’ve located your club, click on the club name to get to the detail page for your club. At the bottom of that page is a link you can click to update the detailed data. Submitting that update constitutes your annual report. Note, though, that you can submit an update whenever you need to. Information about your club is given to prospective radio amateurs who want to learn more about our ho The Annual Report is our way of keeping your club records at HQ up-to-date.
Should two years go by without ARRL Headquarters receiving an annual report, your club status will be changed to inactive. As the 2-year grace period has been exceeded, ARRL will require a new club roster be submitted. After they have checked ARRL membership, to confirm that your club meets the 51% ARRL membership requirement among your voting members, they will provide instructions for you to follow to reactivate your club. So, be sure to check your club’s last update to make sure you are not running the risk of having your club’s status become inactive.
Special Service Clubs
ARRL Special Service Clubs should first check and make sure their ARRL affiliated status is active. Special Service Clubs are required to submit a yearly application for renewal. See: This is a more elaborate form to fill out but it is also necessary to be submitted each year for clubs to maintain their Special Service status with the ARRL.
If you have questions on this or need help in filling out these applications please contact me.
Bo Budinger
ARRL EMA Affiliated Club Coordinator