There appears to be a resurgence of Amateur Radio activity from Boston University, according to Cape Ann ARA member Dave Delakas, KB9YOZ. Delakas has been hard at work setting up a new HF station at Boston University–W1BUR–and he’s looking for some CAARA members–or anyone else on the airwaves–to help W1BUR make some HF QSOs.
“If you’re around the HF rig on Friday April 9th, W1BUR will be on the air from 2:00 to 4:00 PM ET on 20 meters.”
W1BUR will be on 14.150 Mhz phone but if that’s busy, listen for them up the band in 30 khz steps: 14.180, 14.210, 14.240, etc. Delakas says if 20 meters is no good, they will try 75 meters phone starting at 3.900 MHz and up, in 30 khz steps.
Congrats to all involved on the ressurrection of this Eastern MA college club station.
W1BUR Follow-up Sked
Dave, KB9YOZ writes:
Good afternoon. Please try to take a moment this Friday, 4/16/10, from 2:00PM to 4:00PM Eastern Time to support the Boston University Amateur Radio Club at our second Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. open house for undergrads.
We would welcome any and all contacts. We QSL 100% with real QSL cards.
Look for W1BUR on:
3.900 MHz LSB
14.300 MHz USB and/or
14.070 MHz PSK31
and say hello.
Tnx es vy 73 de