Whitman ARC Garners Great Publicity For Plimoth Plantation Operation

Plimoth Plantation logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club was featured prominently in a December 9, 2010 article in the Whitman Express entitled, Whitman Amateur Radio Club Visits Plimouth Plantation. The article, written by WARC’s Bruce Hayden, NI1X, described the club’s efforts in promoting to hams worldwide about the famous re-creation of the 17th century Pilgrim settlement and Indian homesite.

According to Hayden, 34 area hams operated five stations and made 316 contacts with 35 states and 16 foreign countries over the two-day operation. The WA1NPO special events station also made contact with M0VRT in Plymouth, England during the event.

The Whitman ARC has conducted the Plimoth Plantation operation annually at Thanksgiving for several years.

–Thanks, NI1X and Whitman ARC



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