Don Burke KB1LXH writes:
Hello Scouts and Amateur Radio Operators. We are quickly approaching the 56th Jamboree on the Air. This year’s JOTA takes place on October 19-20.
I am heading up a group of Hams and Scouts who will put some 300+ Cub Scouts from Annawon Council On the Air from Camp Norse in Kingston, MA.
We will operate KC1TAC from 8am-3pm Saturday October 19th, on 2 Meters; local repeaters and across the HF bands.
Our goal is to give the Cub Scouts a taste of Amateur Radio and have each Scout make at least one contact!
How can you help?
1st; Are you hosting a JOTA Station? Let me know what your plans are, PLEASE!
Date, Time, Location, Council and Unit# Please forward me your contact info with Call Sign and Stations Call Sign too!
I am making a spread sheet to share with everyone! (last years is attached)
2nd; Are you or do you know an Eastern Mass Repeater Trustee? Will they allow us to use their Repeater for JOTA contacts?
Please let me know… I am making a spread sheet (attached) to share with other JOTA stations;
Does the Repeater have Eco-link? Might your trustee change the station name (for the day) to read JOTA and Location? All info regarding the repeater is helpful; frequency, tone -/+.
3rd; Might you like to help us at Camp Norse? Maybe you have a Special Skill you can demonstrate? Fox Hunter, Code, satellite… ANYTHING!
Get back to me about your skill and willingness to help… It doesn’t take much. The Scouts are 1-5th graders and spend 2-8 mins with you then they will move to the next radio…
The Day Flies By Quick!
4th SHARE this email with your Club/Group/Troop/Pack/Crew!
Spread the word! The more contacts we ALL make the better!
The Scouts we show Amateur Radio to TODAY; will become our best contacts Tomorrow!
YIS 73’s
Don Burke KB1LXH
ASM Troop 40
Secretary TACGroup
Taunton, MA