Tom Frenaye, K1KI writes on the YCCC reflector:
Will you be active this year? Sure would like to hear from you if so. There are lots of new contesters that get their start in state QSO parties, and a good number of others who chase counties and enjoy focusing on working one part of the world. From New England, it’s a lot of fun to be the target – rates are usually quite good.
Basic rules: Date: First full weekend of May (May 2-3, 2015)
Contest Period: 2000Z Saturday until 0500Z Sunday (4pm EDT Saturday until 1am EDT Sunday) and 1300Z Sunday until 2400Z Sunday (9am EDT Sunday until 8pm EDT Sunday).
Categories: Single-operator high power, low power(150w or less) and QRP(5w or less) categories, plus multi-operator, single transmitter. Same four categories for mobiles.
Contest Exchange: Send signal report and state/province (DX stations send signal report and “DX”). New England stations send signal report, county and state. You can find the full rules at .
Please let us know if you’ll be active by sending a brief email to We’ll update the Reserve Your County page with your call if you let us know.