Whitman ARC Winterfest, January 21, 2017

Whitman ARC logoMichael Bennett, KG1U writes:

Hi fellow Eastern Massachusetts amateur radio club officials. The Whitman, MA Amateur Radio Club, WARC, is proud to announce the first hamfest of 2017 on January 21, 2017, 9am to 1pm. In an effort to make this event a huge success, we would greatly appreciate that our event be shared with your members at your next regular meeting or in your next newsletter. In the event that either communication vehicle is not happening soon, please feel free to forward this communication via email to your members. Here is our flyer


It has all the necessary information. If your club or individual members wish to have a table please call 781-0523-5010 and leave a message or reply to this email. We will reply. We also realize that Mother Nature can have an impact on an activity such as this. The event will be indoors at the Whitman K of C and the parking lot will be plowed. Thanks in advance for helping make our event a success and if we can return the favor please let us know.

–The Winter Fest 2017 committee: Chris N1CFB, John KC1DWY, Mark KC1ACF, Kurt KC1EUJ, Mike WA1MAD

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