Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes on PART-L:
Mark your calendars for Saturday morning, April 21st, at 11 AM. We will hold a fox hunting training exercise at the Westford Town Common, which is across the street from the JV Fletcher Library, 50 Main Street. The rain date will be Sunday morning, April 22nd, at 11 AM.
What is a “fox hunting”? Otherwise known as “Amateur Radio Direction Finding”, fox hunting involves locating a hidden transmitter. We’ll hide the transmitter, and you’ll find it. No license is needed to find the transmitter, so ANYBODY can do it!
John (KB1MGI), Andy (KB1OIQ), and anybody else who wants to help will teach you the techniques used to find 2m, 70cm, and 80m low power transmitters. We will supply the transmitters and some gear that you can borrow as you learn.
PART did this a few years ago. It was well attended and quite fun.