WO1VES: “Digital Voice Hotspots for Ham Radio” at Billerica ARS Meeting, May 1, 2019

Andy Wallace, KA1GTT, writes on the Billerica Amateur Radio Society mailing list:

Everyone, I am excited to announce that Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES, will be our speaker for May.  Brian runs the “Wolf Pack Repeater System” in Stoneham and hosts the “Nut Net” on the Danvers repeater (145.47) at 11:15PM every day.

Brian explains his topic: “I will be presenting an introduction to digital voice hotspots for ham radio.  These hotspots are designed to link digital radios to reflectors over the Internet, and allow you to talk to people anywhere in the world without the use of a Repeater.  They will work with almost any make, model and digital mode.  I will also be giving a run down of the various digital modes, reflectors, and terminology.  Followed by a live demo.  I hope to give people a full understanding of how these hotspots work.”

That says it much better than I could. If, like me, you only use an FM rig to talk on repeaters this could be really eye opening and I am guessing it will also be a way to “work DX” with your HT or computer! I hope the turnout will be excellent.

In addition, the Near-Fest ham flea (May 3 and 4) and ARRL Field Day (June 22-23) are approaching fast and after Brian speaks we will have Club discussion about those events.

Andy, KA1GTT

President, Billerica Amateur Radio Society


Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 PM, first Wednesday of the month.

Our meeting location in Chelmsford is at:

Chelmsford Bible Church
128 Gorham St. (Route 3A)
Chelmsford, MA 01824

Please park in back and enter by the rear door. A map can be accessed by the “Club Meetings” notice on the right side of the website.

The Billerica ARS encourages members to get on the air! (GOTA). There are many exciting operating events over the coming cold months to enjoy. Let us know what you’re interested in.

Bring a friend (or aspiring ham) and join us!

Note: The weekly BARS Wednesday night net will not meet on this evening because of the club meeting. Members are encouraged to get on Billerica (147.12) on their way to/from the meeting instead.


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