John Salmi, KB1MGI, writes on the foxhunting list on May 10, 2019 at 1:59 PM:
I placed the 2 meter Fox transmitter in Carlisle on146.565 press DTMF tone 2 to activate 30 seconds on 30 seconds off, run time 15 minutes.
(No Bushwacking) If you choose the wrong trail you will tricked and you will end up bushwacking a long way to find the Fox and that could be wet.
Choose the correct trail and it only 50 feet off the trail and (No bushwacking at all).
If you want to know the location and receive a map Email me at:
John Salmi, KB1MGI, writes on the foxhunting list on May 23 at 3:13 PM:
I retrieved the Fox Box this afternoon after about a week and a half. It was still alive and well. I think this was a tough one to figure out.
TheFox was located on Curve st by the Bogs. Down the Otter Trail along the Brook.
Only one finder.
K1IG. George wrote it took two days to find the correct trail. 11 minutes the find on the right trail.
W1FDR Bob went out on a rainy day and tracked the area by the closest trail but did not attempt the find the fox.
I’ll make the next one easier to find.