Algonquin ARC, Marlborough EMA Support for Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, September 14, 2019

Eric Williams, KV1J, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

To: Algonquin Radio Club and Marlborough EMA Team

Please mark your calendars for our support of the biannual joint Hudson-Marlborough Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Saturday, September 14th

Our support is a combined effort by the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club and the Marlborough Emergency Management Team.  Using our radio communications skills, we manage the traffic flow and validate residency for the approximately 400 cars that come to the event.  We use the Emergency Management’s UHF radios.  If you have them, please bring your Ham UHF portable radio since we will use the club repeater output frequency as a backup.

Please also bring your EMA vest or EMA yellow jacket if you have them.  I will bring vests for those that do not have one.

We setup at 8 AM and the event runs from 9 AM to 1 PM.  The event is next to the Marlborough Resident Drop-Off Facility, located at 860 Boston Post Road East in Marlborough, behind the Half Way Café near Home Depot.

We are also supporting the Marlborough Labor Day Parade.  If you are not already signed up, please let Ed Fitzgerald know if you can help

Thanks and 73,  Eric  KV1J   Marlborough EMA Communications Officer


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