Bill Morris, W1WMM, writes on the CAARA List:
Greetings everyone.
Saturday, February 8, 2020, is the [Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association] member’s meeting at noon, with a club-funded lunch. We hope to see everyone at the club for CAARA club fellowship. Thank you.
The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association is an ARRL-affiliated club whose mission includes: providing health and safety communication services for emergencies and disasters on Cape Ann and in other areas when requested, educate and train new amateur radio operators and to maintain a well-tuned disaster team, conduct FCC testing for new licenses and those wishing to upgrade, provide educational services and demonstrations to local area schools and community organizations such as the Boy Scouts, conduct public demonstrations and educational events, assist public utilities in finding radio frequency interferences that could potentially harm or hinder emergency communication activities, and create a positive, supportive environment for our members that promotes camaraderie and fellowship.