The Tough Ruck event has been postponed. See
Bruce Pigott, KC1US, writes:
A request for communications support has been made by the ToughRuck group for their event in Concord, Massachusetts on Sunday, April 19. This route will start in Concord and go into Lexington by way of the Minuteman National Park Trail, also known as the Battle Road Trail. The 1,000 participants will be carrying full military packs and will complete multiple loops to do a total of 26 miles. Public safety radio systems are unable to cover the full route.
We are looking for operators to be at water and aid stations along the course. The event starts at 7:20AM and runs for nine hours. Two meter repeaters will be used. Yes, this is the day before the marathon. Final details are in preparation.
Additional information about this event and a route map can be found at
If you are able to assist, please send a message to
Thank You,
Bruce KC1US