I thought the upcoming “over the air meeting” would be a good time to try out NetLogger. Some of you may already use NetLogger, as a number of regular radio nets use NetLogger to help manage the net.
The use of NetLogger is NOT required. No worries if you would rather not load it, or try it.
For those members willing to try NetLogger during the meeting net, I attached the information needed to use NetLogger during the net. As you will see, NetLogger is easy to use.
I will have the net open on NetLogger using the net name “FARA 2M Meeting”, as shown in the attachment. Just “join” this net as shown in the attachment.
Again, using NetLogger is not required for the upcoming FARA 2M meeting net [on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:30 PM]. It is just an opportunity to try something new. NetLogger is very useful for managing nets with a large number of check-ins.