Jim Whelan, KX1M, writes:
Where: IHOP
Location: 4102 Shops Way, Northborough, MA 508-393-1222
When: Saturday, June 6, 2020 … The Breakfast starts at 7:00 AM
Talk-in: Many going to the breakfast as well as those at the breakfast may be listening on the following repeaters:
W1BIM – Paxton, 2 m repeater (146.970, PL 114.8)
W1MRA – Marlborough, 2 m Repeater (147.2700, PL 146.2)
AE1C – Southborough, 2 m DMR Repeater (145.27, Timeslot 2, TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 7 )
AE1C – Southborough, 70 cm DMR Repeater (448.375, Timeslot 2, TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 1 )
W1WNS – Westborough, 70 cm Repeater (448.775, DCS D244, P25 NAC 353)
WA1NVC – Framingham, 33 cm Repeater (927.01250, PL 131.8 )
WB1CTO – Framingham, 1.2 cm repeater (224.24, PL 103.5)
Spread the word to all the ham’s you know. Much fraternalism and friendships to be had!
We will be ordering our breakfast by phone after 7:00 AM when they open. We then drive to a designated parking space for pickup and IHOP will bring the food out to the car!
Once we pick up our food, we can select another parking space where we can park near each other, then we can then hang out on an analog simplex channel of 146.550 (open carrier).
Hey, something new to try! I’m tired of being home a lot I’m sure you are as well! We can get an eyeball on our fellow hams!