Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMass Fox Hunters List on October 9, 2020:
The KD1D Fox transmitter went on the air again in Westford MA at 1530 EDT on Friday 9 October 2020.
It will transmit a voice message on 146.565 MHz for approximately 30 seconds which will repeat at 60 second intervals. I expect the Fox to be operating through the weekend until at least Tuesday afternoon. For additional information on our club’s Fox Hunting activities, please visit:
Some clues:
– It is located on conservation land in the northeast section of town and can be heard from Route 40 (Groton Road).
– You may park at a public playground (with a porta-potty) near the trail entrance.
-The Conservation area has a name similar to that of Tarzan’s family of origin.
– The name is also a compound word consisting of “neither black nor white” and a hard natural object.
Once you find the trail, the Fox will not be far away, but it may be difficult to see.
If you’re unfamiliar with the area, drop me an email at my callsign and I will help you zero in on the location before you go hunting.
Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMass Fox Hunters List at 10:10 PM October 14, 2020:
I retrieved the KD1D Fox today at 12:00 pm. It survived yesterday’s deluge without leaking, but the battery was down to about 5.2 volts and the signal was weak. The Fox Finders were:
W1FDR, Bob, who found the Fox on his second attempt on Saturday, October 10.
. “Perserverance furthers,” according to the I Ching.
George, K1IG, who located the Fox in 13 minutes at 11:05 am on Saturday.
W1MJ, Eliot, who found the Fox on Sunday, October 10 around Noon.
Congratulations to the successful hunters!
A key to the clues:
The Fox was hidden at the Greystone Conservation area in northeast Westford (Hence Tarzan’s family peerage , Greystoke and black and white hard object, Gray Stone).
It was hidden a short distance down the trail, but was out in a dried-up pond, hidden in a hollow stump among many hundreds of similar stumps.