Tomorrow the “Great Hill Gang” will be getting together once again atop Great Hill in Weymouth, MA. We will be there on Saturday March 13.
Masks and Social Distancing Please!
We don’t have a particular schedule set up for frequencies and times but here are some good possibilities for reaching us:
146.52 FM Simplex (good for talk-in’s if you are trying to find us)
146.67- PL 146.2 (good for talk-in’s if you are trying to find us)
145.39- PL 67.0 (9AM most of us check into the K1USN Net)
144.200 USB
144.244 USB (Specifically 11AM – 11:30AM I will try to be here)
Call out to “The Great Hill Gang” and someone will get back to you.
If you look at (Thanks to KC1HHO) you can find an icon showing where we are along the Weymouth Fore River in North Weymouth.
N1KMX and K1UVH are just a couple of callsigns you can reach out to for directions into the hill.
“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes on March 24:
“… Last week’s Great Hill Gang had 27 licensed hams plus two non-ham visitors. Many of those visitors were brand new hams who had heard about it through our weekly [K1USN Happenings] newsletter!”