Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:40 PM on August 27, 2021:
The K1MJC fox is out…!
It is located in a conservation area within the city of Waltham Massachusetts.
Frequency: 146.565
Here are the clues:
The name of the conservation area may be considered another polite name for a person who is a “hoarder“!
There are two entrances, one is a “paine“, but I would not want to … “school“ … you on the better entrance!
Here is a link to some good conservation maps of the area, it is one of these map’s you need:
Happy hunting.
K1MJC Mike C. 73s
Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 5:07 PM on August 29, 2021:
The K1MJC Fox has been Retrieved on 8/29/2021 at 4:30PM
Congratulations to the Hounds!
They were…
On Friday 8/27:
Jeff, AC1JR
On Saturday 8/28:
Pat, K1PJW
George, K1IG
Eliot, W1MJ
John, AG1B
Eric, KC1OAV
Phil, K9HI
Saturday was a Beautiful day wasn’t it?
I don’t know when I’ll hide it again; time is tight so we’ll see!
Mike C. K1MJC 73’s