K1MJC Fox is On the Loose in Waltham, September 3, 2021

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 2:32 PM on September 3, 2021:

Yes, the K1MJC fox is out yet again!

Here are two clues:

As you know, there are not very many “prospect”-ive places in my home city of Waltham to hide the fox.

Wow, after all this hard work of finding a location for the fox and putting it there I think I’ll need to replenish my energy by going to the corner store and picking up:

 “A candy bar introduced in 1936, consisting of peanut butter crunch layers enrobed in chocolate. “ Mmmmm!

P.S. – There are only three entrances to this area; only two are active at this time due to construction concerns. The fox is close to only one of the entrances of the location in question. 

One of the maps on this page would prove useful!


Happy hunting!

73‘s Mike C.  K1MJC

Forgot to mention, the K1MJC Fox is transmitting on 146.565 just in case some were wondering.

I’ll have to brush up on my Map & Compass skills for the KD1D Fox!

One Comment on “K1MJC Fox is On the Loose in Waltham, September 3, 2021”

  1. Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 5:33 PM on September 5, 2021:

    The K1MJC Fox has been retrieved on 9/05/2021 at 5:00PM. Congratulations to the Hounds!

    They were:

    On Friday 9/03
    Eliot, W1MJ

    On Saturday 9/04
    Pat, K1PJW
    Eric, KC1OAV
    Bob, W1FDR

    On Sunday 9/05
    Phil, K9HI
    Josef, AC1JR
    Nicholas, KC1DKY

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