K1MJC Fox is On the Loose in Waltham, December 10, 2021

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the Waltham ARA list and NEMassFoxHunters list at 3:49 PM on December 10, 2021:

Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out on a December Bonus outing!

I checked the weather, it’s supposed to be in the 60s Sat & Sun and decided to take a chance. 

 It is looking like wind and rain early on Sat (best time after 11:00AM ) but Sunday should be the better day, maybe a bit chilly In the mid 40’s.

I put it out today, Friday, but I’ll leave it to you as to how much of a risk you would like to take in this kind of weather … l take no responsibility!

The fox is in somewhere in an area within the City limits of Waltham, MA.

I’ve gone to “School” on making the experience a bit more difficult, if you chose to look for it, you’ll see what it is I had in “store” for you, and how long it takes you to find it will determine how successful I was.

As usual, it will be retrieved before Sundown Sunday.

One of The maps on this page would prove useful!


Happy hunting!


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