KM1CC – Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club writes on its Facebook page:
Today, December 12, 2021 is the 120th anniversary of the first transatlantic signal- the letter S. In 1901 Marconi’s Poldu, UK Wireless Station sent the letter S: Marconi received the letter S by flying a kite at Signal Hill, Saint Johns, Newfoundland.
To commemorate the anniversary the Newfoundland Marconi Radio Club – VO1MRC, scheduled contacts with KM1CC and other early-historic- Marconi Stations. Messages were exchanged between stations, and the letter S was sent in CW by the Poldhu Station GB2GM as they did 120 years ago.
KM1CC will be on the air Tuesday, January 18, 2022 for the 119th anniversary of Marconi’s first USA to UK/Europe transatlantic message. More details will be posted closer to January 18.
Shown here: KM1CC members K1RTA and N1NS on the air for the 120th anniversary event of the letter S. The two operated from a home station near the historic Marconi station site.