LoRa (Long Range) and LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) are next generation technologies that will support wireless connectivity in IoT (the Internet of Things). Uniquely enabling long range, low power communication, they are already being used in numerous consumer and industrial applications to solve real world problems.
“Under the direction of Bruce [MacKinnon], KC1FSZ, we are launching our club LoRa Birdhouse project,” according to WARS President Dan Brown, W1DAN. Dan says that the project is open to all WARS members but “other folks can build nodes on their own as the project plans are open-source.”
WARS members will learn how to build a LoRa node and antenna, and use them to communicate with fellow WARS members. “No technical experience necessary, as we are making the project available to all skill levels.”
KC1FSZ’s GitHub documentation can be viewed at: https://github.com/brucemack/WARS-Birdhouse