W1MJ Fox Hunt in Belmont, October 8-9, 2022

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxhunters list at 10:01 AM on October 8, 2022:

Noah and I are leaving in a few minutes to deploy the W1MJ 5-watt fox.  Due to a busy schedule, this will probably our last deployment this month.

Inspired by avid hunter Jeff AC1JR, who was getting tired of the same old messages, I have updated the soundtrack a bit.  It now goes for 18 minutes before repeating, a 50% improvement over the previous 12 minute loop.

On Air:  October 8 (today) 11:00 AM, or sooner, until October 9 (tomorrow) at 5:00 PM

Frequency:  147.54 MHz

Location:  Lone Tree Hill Conservation Area, Belmont, MA

Trail Map:  https://www.belmont-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6831/f/file/file/lone_tree_hill_trail_map.pdf

Parking Lot (Goggle Maps): https://goo.gl/maps/Sst4rV3L4s1AGLQ27

The parking lot is close to the Rock Meadow parking lot, but on the opposite side of the street.  It is a paved lot.

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