August 2024 Section Update

Welcome to the August 2024 EMA Section Update! This update is also being published to the EMA Section and NE Division websites. Please spread the word. 

 It’s still summer. The weather – at least here on the Cape – has been crazy variable, from hot-humid-swampy to nice-cool-dry, and everything in between. I hope you’re all taking it easy, staying cool, keeping hydrated, and enjoying the nice days. The population of our Cape Cod communities continues at 3-4 times off-season. Many businesses make all their profits for the year, and that is to be respected. On the bright side, listening to the police/rescue/fire scanner gives us countless “stupid human tricks” stories. This too shall end!   


* HamXpo is Coming! 

Last call, I promise! Mark the dates, August 22-25, 2024! The 2024 edition of HamXposition is coming, and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever. Several top-tier amateur radio vendors recently committed to the show. And the lineup of technical talks/seminars/workshops exceeds Hamvention (Dayton) in terms of breadth and depth of topics. Attend an in-person SKYWARN Spotter class! Attend the in-person Mini Contest University being held Friday! Bring someone to review for their Tech license in a day! I want to have an eyeball QSO with you there, including the Section Town Hall (parallel sessions for most of the New England sections)! Full details at   



 CW ops and contesters from around the world are invited to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the K1USN weekly Slow Speed Contest (SST) by participating in a new event, the K1USN SST OPEN (SSO) to be held annually starting on Friday, September 13 from 2000-2359Z. 

From its inception in September 2020, the twice-weekly SST has encouraged CW newcomers to join with experienced ops in a relaxed contest at speeds less than 20 WPM. Contest sponsors strongly urge all participants to operate at 12 WPM or less to provide new CW ops with a comfortable “on ramp” to CW operating and contesting. 

See for more details. 


* New Version of KB1OIQ’s Linux Distro Released 

 Andy KB1OIQ writes: 

I have released version 26 of Andy’s Ham Radio Linux. It can be found here:  

Version 26 is now the default version when the Download button is clicked. 

 Andy is hosting a hands-on installation workshop at HamXposition on Fri Aug 23 at 1300 EDT. If you simply want to learn more about Andy’s Ham Linux distribution, he’s giving a seminar at 1100 EDT on Sat Aug 24. Check it out! 


* Amateur Radio Communications Request for “Cycle for Shelter” in Haverhill 

 “This year’s Cycle for Shelter will take place on Sunday September 15th.  The start and finish is at the Northern Essex Community College sports complex, Haverhill, Mass. There are (4) routes planned, a 100-mile, 62-mile, 35 mile & 15 miles long. Most will overlap each other. The final routes are still being worked out but will run through similar areas as in years past. The start times for each route vary, starting as early as 7:30 AM and the event closes at 4:00 pm. Some routes will take as little as 3 hours to complete where the longest would take a full day. 

 “We are looking to fill the positions of route support in such that there would be at least (1) vehicles per route. All route support vehicles will be offered equipment and instruction on the day of the event. 

 “We are also in need of Amateur Radio Operators at seven different rest stops in: Boxford, Georgetown Groveland, Topsfield, North Hampton, Kensington and Amesbury. The open close times of these stops is being calculated but should not be longer than four hours. Bike marshals are also needed for the 15-mile route which is local to the start/finish.” 

 See for more details.  


* StratoScience Lab Balloons Deployed from New England Sci-Tech on Wed Aug 14 

 Seth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on the New England Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:  

Just wanted to let you all know we are aiming to launch two separate StratoScience Lab balloons THIS WEDNESDAY 8/14 from NEST.  That means we’ll be filling up and releasing the balloon from the NEST parking lot.  The exact time is not nailed down yet, but release will most likely be sometime between 10am and 2pm.  We will have a HamXposition presentation detailing all the projects. 



* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator 

I reported last month that our Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, had to step down from his position. I’m still looking for his replacement. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly! 


* “Three Dots” at Harbor Stage Company, Wellfleet, August 19-20, 2024 

“Blending vivid theatricality and meticulously researched history, Three Dots tells the story of one of our region’s proudest accomplishments— in 1903 the first transatlantic telegraphs from America to Europe were sent from a station on the cliffs of our small seaside hamlet: Wellfleet, MA.  An insightful look at the science and the psyches behind this remarkable event.”  

For more information, visit 


* N1ILZ for a Final  
Stay safe and cool out there!  Summer is (still) here, the traffic is (still) crazy, and the weather forecasters are predicting a hot summer. There’s still plenty of summer fun to be had, including work on all those outdoor projects pent up from the past winter. Especially including antenna projects, amirite?! 

 Please, PLEASE join us at HamXposition! I will be hosting an Eastern MA ARRL Town Hall on Saturday at 1600 EDT. Here’s your chance to throw rotten tomatoes at your Section Manager and tell me what you really think! 

 Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!  

* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at  
This Section News Update is brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ and Assistant Section Manager and New England Division Vice Director Phil K9HI. 


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