August 2018 Section News

Welcome to the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL section newsletter.  


September 7-9, 2018

The ARRL New England Division Convention at BOXBORO is just around the corner. It’s time to finalize your plans for the annual gathering.  BOXBORO this year has a lot that is new.  

The Saturday evening banquet featuring Abigail Harrison, “Astronaut Abby”, takes us on a talk that is out of this world.  Abigail will tell us about her work to become one of the first Mars astronauts. All Saturday dinner attendees will be eligible to win the Grand Banquet door prize – a Yaesu FT-991A all mode/all band/MF through UHF transceiver with System Fusion.   

IMPORTANT: To be sure you have a seat at the Saturday banquet, you must order it online no later than Monday, Labor Day evening. After Monday, availability is limited. 

The Friday evening banquet speaker is Don Greenbaum, just back from the Baker Island DXpedition.  All Friday dinner attendees will be eligible to win the DXCC dinner door prize – an Elecraft KX2 Shack-in-a-Box as well as some other goodies.

An outstanding program of talks and forums are planned Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check them out and plan your time ahead by visiting <>.

This will be one of the best New England Conventions ever. It is truly a celebration of Amateur Radio with lots of activities ranging from the flea market, forums, banquets, card checking, programs for young hams, movies and social activities–even popcorn! There is free admission for students. Visit the web site for all the details.  



A great program is planned for young people.  Student admission to the Boxboro Convention is free. Here are some highlights. Please spread the word.
The Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS), will be presenting an Amateur Radio Exposition for Young People on September 8th and 9th. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about Amateur Radio and wireless communications. <>.

In addition, be sure to attend the Boxboro youth forums on Saturday and Sunday.

•       STARS Youth Forum
The Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS) is a student-run radio club made up of students, parents, teachers, and supportive amateur radio operators from around greater Boston, the metro-west suburbs, and New England.

•       Entry Level Licensing
Bruce, K1BG, looks at the history of entry level license requirements and conditions, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and what it means for attracting youth to the hobby.

•       STEM Learning for Young People via High Altitude Balloons (HAB) Carrying Amateur Radio
Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, will discuss HAB equipment and tracking, flight planning, launch and recovery and post-flight data analysis. He will show footage from the edge of space!

•       Cubes in Space
Christina Sage, KG1PSY will discuss the Cubes in Space™ program and involvement by students from the former Clay Center ARC.

•       Young People Who Do Reverse- and Forward-Engineering Projects
Gerald Lemay, VA2GLU, will present a fun, hands-on tech activity, doable in two 30-minute sessions, involving a switchable power supply used by the scouts.

•       Education Through Communications 
Joe Fairclough, WB2JKJ, will describe how to bring ham radio to the classroom as a teaching tool and involve students in learning via the magic of Amateur Radio.



The ARRL Board of Directors has elected Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, to be ARRL’s new Chief Executive Officer, starting on October 15.  Michel was first licensed as WN2ITX when he was about 16 years old and upgraded to General and Advanced within a year. He earned his Amateur Extra class license in 2000. He notes that he has always had a strong interest in building and repairing radio equipment.




Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, held a meeting with his staff at the NWS in Norton on August 11.  Rob covered a great deal of territory during the meeting including:
•       ARRL ARES Strategic Plan
•       RACES Updates
•       Boxboro Plans
•       Contact with new ARES Signups
•       Planning for ARES Workshops and Training 
•       ARES Nets
•       Incorporating ARES Connect and the ARRL Strategic Plan into the section plan.

ARRL will be rolling out the nationwide ARES Connect database and ARES strategic plan in the coming months.  Eastern Massachusetts ARES will be actively involved and is always looking for people interested in EMCOMM, SKYWARN, and Public Service to become involved.  There are many forum sessions addressing these topics spanning all three days at the New England Division Convention at Boxboro.  

To find out more about EMA ARES visit <>.

If you are interested in joining Eastern Massachusetts ARES, visit <>.



Rob Macedo, KD1CY, reports 588 ARES members in the section and 12 active ARES nets during the month of July.  


SEC Appointments:

Greg Bennett, KC1CIC, has been appointed as a DEC.  Greg will handle ARES-NTS Liaison. Welcome, Greg.


NTS Appointments:
Mark Pereira, AC7RB, has been appointed as an Official Relay Station (ORS) and as Net Manager of the Cape and Islands Traffic Net (CITN) following the resignation of Bob Holland, N1SYC. Welcome, Mark.




A former Eastern Massachusetts section manager, Barry Porter, KB1PA, has been appointed to serve as SM for Southern Florida beginning October 1st.  A resident of Delray Beach, Barry is a native of Milton, Massachusetts. He was licensed in 1984 and was one of the founding members of the Boston Computer Society’s Amateur Radio Group.

Barry succeeded Luck Hurder, KY1T, as the Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager, filling out the remainder of Luck’s term. KB1PA would go on to serve two additional terms of his own.  Barry was involved with emergency communications during hurricanes Gloria and Bob.  “During this period, I was a very active traffic handler and a net control.”  

KB1PA moved to Florida in 2004. Read more at <>.

Best wishes and congratulations Barry from your many friends in Eastern Massachusetts. 


On July 17, the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Radio Club became our newest ARRL affiliated club in the EMA section.  Congratulations and welcome.   

The ARRL announced the Official Observer program will be retired and replaced by a Volunteer Monitoring program.  The Board took the action at its July 20 – 21 meeting in Windsor, Connecticut, instructing that the transition “be implemented as soon as practicable.” Under the terms of the new program, current Official Observers will be invited to apply for appointment as Volunteer Monitors (VMs). The Board expressed its appreciation for the OOs and their dedicated volunteer service over the years.” Read the ARRL announcement at <>.

Frank, WQ1O, and Cape Cod ARES Receive Certificate of Recognition from Barnstable County Commissioners. 
Congratulations are in order for their hard work during the intense storms that impacted the Cape in March.  Read the full story at <>.

Framingham ARA Field Day Featured on “Access Framingham TV”.
The Framingham Amateur Radio Association’s recent Field Day operation at the McAuliffe Library was featured on Framingham’s community access channel.  More at: <>.

On July 14, 2018, Eastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN, traveled to ARRL Headquarters along with Tim Smith, WA1HLR, and Steve Cloutier, WA1QIX, to help get the lab station, W1INF, on AM… in a big way!  See the story at <>



Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR): 


NTS daily nets in Massachusetts; All are welcome to join: 



Bill, W1KX, manages 1RN Cycle 4, the evening CW net. Bill reports:
July: 62 sessions, 144 pieces of traffic and 208 check-ins.



Does your club need a speaker for a meeting? Here is a helpful resource: <>.



Please visit <> and send any information you might have to  our ASM Phil Temples, K9HI, at <>.


Section news is available on our website and Facebook.  
–       The section website: <>
–       The Facebook page: <>


Section Leadership: 



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My final word this month is simple!  I hope to see you all at the New England Convention in Boxboro!


73 until next month.

Tom, K1TW

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW