Urgent! Ham Volunteers Still Needed for The Run of the Charles Canoe and Kayak Race, MS Journey of Hope Walk
Tom Bertolino, KB1P writes:
I know I have sent emails asking to volunteer for these events, and you might have already volunteered for one of them. If have already volunteered for one of these event could you consider volunteering for the other. If have not volunteered for either event could you reconsider and volunteer for one or both of these events. We need your help.
This is very short notice, but more hams are needed for the Run of the Charles canoe races on Saturday, 30 April 2010. There are critical safety issues which need our communications support, and I would like to have your help.
Because of Easter being on the traditional date that this event is normally held, the Run of the Charles was moved to Saturday April 30, 2011. This has caused the Run of the Charles not only compete with other events which are normally held on the 30th of April, but also Near-Fest. We still need Hams to help insure the safety of the racers. We need your help. Water level of the Charles River is higher than normal this year due to the heavy snow we received this winter resulting in swifter water currents around potages and dams. This could cause some dangerous conditions for the racers attempting to navigate around these areas. Hams are post at these potential danger areas to help ensure the safety of the racers. We do not have enough Hams to cover all these points. Please reconsider and volunteer to support this event .We need your help. Some assignments begin as early as 0700; others begin up to 1200. Most assignments last about four to five hours, there are only, a few which run the full day until 1630. If you have time issue please let me know.
This is a 7.5 mile walk which starts and finishes at Natick High School (15 West St, Natick, MA), proceeding through several areas of Natick. Our assignments begin at 0700 and should be complete by early afternoon. Hams are stationed at critical intersections and water stations to help to insure the safety of the walkers. We do not have enough hams to fill these assignments. We need your help. This is an excellent event for hams new to public service to get experience.
If you can help for one or both events, please respond with the following information as soon as possible. To manage this I ask that you get back to me as quickly and as accurately as you can. As in all other events that we coordinate, email will be the primary means of communication between us. If you have already volunteered for one of these events please consider volunteering for the other. We need your help.
Full name
On-air name
Call sign
Postal mailing address (including 9-digit ZIP code)
Evening phone
Day phone
Cell phone
Email address
Does your 2-meter radio have CTCSS (PL)?
Do you have a dual-band radio?
Do you have a magnetic mount antenna?
T-shirt size
Tom Bertolino, KB1P
kb1p at arrl.net