Red Cross Backs Off On Credit Checks For Volunteers

Red Cross logoCQ Magazine Public Service Editor Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO, reports that the American Red Cross has announced changes to its controversial policy requiring background checks of all volunteers, including, in many cases, hams working through the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. Many hams were concerned about invasion of privacy, as the standard consent form granted permission not only for criminal background checks but also for credit checks and “mode of living” checks.

A spokeswoman for the Red Cross region serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, has confirmed the following changes in the background check policy:

* A new consent form will be developed that eliminates all references to credit checks and mode of living.

* People who signed the previous forms will not be subject to credit checks or mode of living checks. A new form will be developed for those positions requiring credit checks.

* Red Cross senior management will establish a policy to define which positions will require credit checks and how those checks will be evaluated.

WA3PZO will have additional details in his April “Public Service” column.

–Thanks, Stillwater ARA

K1USN To Operate In JOTA Oct. 21

Watson Library, photo courtesy K1USN RC web siteMembers of the K1USN Radio Club plan to operate W1BSA during the upcoming Jamboree On The Air on Oct. 21, according to Harold “Pi” Pugh, K1RV.

“This should be a good opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities as well as introducing people to the Thomas Watson Library and Research Center,” writes Pi. “We have made a lot of progress getting K1USN back on the air and want everyone to see how it looks.”

[See also: USS Salem RC Has A New Home At Watson Library]

ARRL, Citizen Corp To Set Up NOAA Radios In Schools

ARRL flagNOAA logoARRL and Citizen Corp are teaming up to assist local school districts (if they need the help) to set up and register their NOAA Weather All Hazard Public Alert Radio.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Department of Education, and the Department of Homeland Security are partnering to launch a significant nation-wide project to distribute 80,000 NOAA Public Alert Radios to U.S. public schools throughout the nation. The radios are designed to signal different types of alerts ranging from weather emergencies to child abductions, and from chemical accidents to acts of terrorism. The radio acts as a sentry, standing guard 24/7, to sound an alarm when danger threatens.

If you, as an Amateur Radio operator, or an Amateur Radio club member, or ARRL Field Organization appointee would like to assist Citizen Corps in this project, please contact your local Citizen Corps Council to offer assistance. Where there isn’t a Council, please contact local Emergency Management.

Contacts should not be made directly to local schools but, instead, should be made by Citizen Corps and Emergency Management to local school district superintendent’s offices to ensure a coordinated plan. Assistance to schools will be provided at the request of, and in coordination with, the school district.

Citizen Corps

* To locate your State Citizen Corps Council log onto

* To locate your local Citizen Corps Council log onto: or

Emergency Management

* To locate state offices and agencies for emergency management, you can log onto:
* To get contact information for local emergency management offices, you can email or call IAEM, The International Association of Emergency Managers, at info@iaem or 703-538-1795×2 to ask for your local contact or you can click on the link for the state web sites at

The NOAA Web site ( ( is the primary location for information and updates for Citizen Corps and associated volunteers for this project.

The following links contain background information about the program including a document on frequently asked questions and answers about the program, Citizen Corps volunteer material for the NOAA Public Alert Radio Program, a copy of the letter that went to the schools along with a descriptive and informational brochure about the radio distribution program.

If you or your club or ARES group take part in this project with Citizen Corps or your local Emergency Management office, please report this activity to Steve Ewald, WV1X, ( at ARRL Headquarters and to your ARRL Section Manager. Thank you very much.

NOAA Frequently Asked Questions

Citizen Corps Volunteer Information

Public Alert Letter for Schools

Public Alert Radio Brochure

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC To Assist With Rome Blvd. Road Race

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC logoMembers of the Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club will assist with communications for the Rome Boulevard Road Race on Sunday, October 1, 2006. The event consists of a five-mile run, a two-mile run and a two-mile walk. The start/finish line is at Attleboro High School.

For further information, email Joe Agius, W1TW at or see the race flyer.

PART of Westford To Provide Comms For “Blues N’ Brews” 8/26/06

PART of Westford logoThe Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford is recruiting hams to participate in the Blues N’ Brews Festival on Saturday, August 26, 2006 from 10:15 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

“They are only looking for a couple more people,” writes PART’s Terry Stader, KA8SCP. “You will need to fill out an application at:
and fax it to Bill Barnett at 978-692-1191 no later than Thursday night.”

Stader adds that the communications will be on FRS frequencies “but the PART folks are being asked to provide comms to WPD if necessary since cell phone coverage there is very spotty.” According to KA8SCP there is a fire department detail working the event as well.

Interested persons can contact KA8SCP with any questions.

Lowell Folk Festival Volunteers Sought

Lowell Folk Festival logoTerry Stader, KA8SCP writes on PART-L:

We are still looking for volunteers for the Lowell Folk Festival which runs from Friday, July 28th through Sunday, July 30th. A couple of people have signed up but we are looking for people for Saturday evening and Sunday.

The Emergency Management “bus” will be used as a “station” for information, basic first aid and a general all around resource center.

We would like to have at least 2 volunteers for each shift, the shifts tentatively look like:

Friday – 6:00 to 10:00 PM

Saturday – 12:00 (noon) to 5:00 PM
5:00 to 10:00 PM

Sunday – 12:00 (noon) to 4:00 PM
4:00 to 7:00 PM (event closes at 7 PM)

If you are available and would like to participate, please call Mark’s office at 978-459-5552 and leave a message with your name, your telephone number and what day and time you’d like to assist. You can also send an email message to Mark at

The Lowell Folk Festival web page can be found at

Thank you.

Amateur Radio Volunteers On Flood Duty In New England

When All Else Fails logoThe ARRL Headquarters web site today carried a news item describing the efforts of New England and Eastern MA amateurs in the wake of disasterous flooding that has struck our area.

In the article, Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY estimates that “more than 100 radio amateurs have been involved in the operation and spotting work across the region.” He also describes the volunteer activity in staffing the NWS office in Taunton and in the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency State EOC and Region I Headquarters.

[Full story]

Walk For Hunger Volunteers Sought–May 7, 2006

Walk For Hunger 2006Bruce Pigott, KC1US writes:

Project Bread will again be looking forward to hams supporting the Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 7. Forty thousand walkers will be raising funds for emergency feeding programs located across the Commonwealth. This will be the twenty fifth time Amateur Radio will be part of the Walk organization.

The assignments are about six hours long at various places along the twenty mile Walk route from Boston out to Newton. Some positions start at 6AM with others starting throughout the morning. We need coordinator shadows at checkpoints, bus stops, with walker marshals, and in transport vans. All skill levels of hams are desired. A two meter or dual band radio with extra battery and an extended (15 inch) antenna are needed. An informational meeting and two on air sessions will be held to answer questions and fill in last minute details. You can sign up at the Crocker Public Service Group web page or send a message to

High praise was received last year from the coordinators and the Project Bead staff for the quantity and quality of support by hams. Three million dollars were raised even with the rain showers. More information about the Walk and the services Project Bread provides can found at The event is an enjoyable day with both the walkers and volunteers having a good time at this worthwhile cause.

Thank you and 73 – Bruce KC1US

Volunteers sought for American Diabetes Association Events

The American Diabetes Association is looking for Amateur Radio help with two cycling events this spring.

Sunday, April 30, 2006 – Cape Cod Tour de Cure
Start/Finish: Barnstable County Fairgrounds, E. Falmouth
Looking for volunteers with own equipment for rest stops (5), sag vehicles and start/finish support.

Sunday, June 25, 2006 – Marshfield Tour de Cure
Start/Finish: Marshfield Fairgrounds, Marshfield
Looking for volunteers with own equipment for rest stops (4), sag vehicles and start/finish support.

All volunteers will receive a tee-shirt and lunch.

For more info or to volunteer, call Faith at 888-DIABETES (888-342-2383) x 3456 or email her at

Volunteers Sought For Boston Beanpot Cycling Classic

Boston BeanpotJohn Ruggiero, N2YHK writes:

I have been approached about possibly providing ham radio communications assistance to the Boston Beanpot Cycling Classic in Grafton on Saturday, April 8th from 7am-4pm.

They are looking at the prospect of deploying hams to help them out. They have 24 marshal locations, 8 police locations, a feed zone, a medical zone and the start/finish. There is the potential to deploy at least 35 hams if we can get that many.

If you can volunteer, please contact me with:

* Times available
* Communications equipment (VHF and/or UHF, mobile and/or portable, cross-band ability – All equipment must have enough power to last 10 hours or the duration that you are available + 1 hour)

Please pass this around. Thanks!

John, N2YHK



BILOXI, Miss. – Students who want to volunteer in the Mississippi Hurricane Katrina recovery effort during their 2006 spring break need to come with a plan and a volunteer agency or faith based group affiliation before making the trip.

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) encourage volunteer participation in the disaster recovery but advise students to plan ahead so they can provide the most help in their brief time away from classes.

“We appreciate those who have volunteered to assist in the recovery efforts throughout our state and we welcome other volunteers,” said Robert Latham, director of MEMA. “We encourage them to affiliate with a group who will match an individual’s skills with productive projects, to make the most of their time here.”

Currently, there are more than 100 voluntary organizations serving in Mississippi.

Students may find and register with these voluntary organizations through the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service at They can also locate them at, and, which provides a special page of volunteer opportunities in the hurricane-affected areas.

“Students need to come here with a real mission, a real focus,” said David Turner, voluntary agency liaison for FEMA. “If they don’t have that they’ll waste their time and the resources available to the victims such as housing and even food.”

Students also need to know about the post-hurricane conditions in Mississippi.

Some areas are still dangerous so students need to be extremely careful.

Accommodations are in short supply along the Mississippi coast, so many voluntary and faith-based organizations are providing limited but adequate sleeping facilities as well as meals.

Organizations match needs with volunteer skill sets; volunteers with construction or equipment skills are in high demand.

FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

City Of Taunton Recognizes Taunton EMA Volunteers

Taunton newspaper clipping, Dam emergencyTaunton citation, Dam emergencyRick Ferreira, KB1KWF Director of the City of Taunton Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) and Peter Ferreira KB1LXG, the assistant Director, organized a volunteer recognition night at the Taunton Emergency Operations Center on December 20, 2005 that turned into a great holiday social event for all the TEMA volunteers.

The group met with Mayor Nunes in the City Council Chambers and were presented with a citation like the one shown here. A potluck supper followed; fun was had by all. Seven Whitman Amateur Radio Club members were involved.

—Whitman ARC Spectrum, January 2006

2006 BAA Marathon–Call For Volunteers

BAAThe Marathon Amateur Radio Communications team is seeking volunteers for the 2006 Marathon, from Hopkinton to Boston, on Monday April 17, 2006.

Amateurs are needed to staff three primary teams, targeted for the Start Area, Course/Route, and Finish Area. These teams will provide coordination for public safety and medical related functions at the event.

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit

and follow the instructions posted there.

MEMA Director Praises Amateurs’ Volunteer Efforts

MEMA sealIn the wake of recent concerns expressed after last week’s “Town Hall Meeting” on local TV, Cristine McCombs, Director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency praised the volunteer efforts of Amateur Radio operators in an open letter to the Amateur Radio community today. Stating that “both ARES and RACES have been and remain key components” in Massachusetts’ communication strategy, McCombs added that MEMA “continues to rely upon the thousands of hours volunteer operators provide.” [Full text]

Mansfield QRV For JOTA, Oct. 15-16, 2005

Radio scout logoA Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) station will be operational at the Mansfield Emergency Operations Center, writes Allan Cox, K1VQ on the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC mailing list. “Exact staffing and hours of operation are not known at this time, but we plan to be open,” writes Cox.

K1VQ asks if anyone has information on local events or knows activities at scout camps (such as Camp Norse) to contact him.

“If you know of Scout Leaders looking for a local JOTA station, you may provide them my e-mail address.”

JOTA is an annual event in which about 500,000 Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other by means of Amateur Radio. The next JOTA event is scheduled for October 15-16, 2005. For additional information on the event, visit

USS Salem Radio Club K1USN QRT

Sunday, August 07, 2005 Quincy, MA

Members of the USS Salem Radio Club were allowed to remove their radio equipment from onboard the Heavy Cruiser, USS Salem yesterday. An agreement was reached with United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum Board Chairman, James Sheets, six weeks after being denied access to their equipment by the current Executive Director.

Twenty-five club members from around the South Shore spent several hours dismantling, packing and removing their club station, K1USN, which had been onboard since 1997. During the past eight years club members had spent thousands of volunteer hours demonstrating Amateur Radio to several thousand visitors enabling many Scouts to speak with stations as far away as McMurdo Station, Antarctica.
Club members also originated the International Museum Ships Weekend. This annual radio event takes place during mid July and has grown to include participation from more that 80 other Museum Ships from around the world. Radio Amateurs activate the radio rooms onboard to help bring much deserved recognition to these vessels, their crews and current volunteer staff. Some clubs will even transmit using original WWII vintage transmitters. The club was unable to participate during this year’s event.

Members of the Battleship New Jersey, NJ2BB, Radio Club, in Camden, NJ
( ) have now volunteered to sponsor the International Museum Ships Weekend.

Club members would also activate the K1USN club station during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and other patriotic celebrations. Members also manned a display booth at the Marshfield Fair and had distributed USS Salem informational literature to operators throughout the world in addition to maintaining a club website ( ).

Terms of the agreement with the USNSM call for the club to relinquish use of the name “USS Salem”. The club will be renamed the K1USN Radio Club.

Information about future club activities can be obtained by contacting the Club Trustee at

Harold Pugh Trustee K1USN RADIO CLUB
78 Temple St.
Abington, MA 02351

Amateurs Needed For Mt. Washington Hill Climb, July 9-10, 2005

Mt. Washington Vintage Hill Climb logoAdditional Amateur Radio operators are needed for the Mt. Washington Vintage Hill Climb, July 9-10 in New Hampshire.

“We expect an exciting car turnout and are doing everything that we can to make this an enjoyable event,” writes the coordinator. “We want to be able to start everyone up the mountain about 7:00 AM both days so that, with the inevitable delays and last minute adjustments we are ready to go before 8:00 AM.”

The event will secure just after 11:30 AM on both days. “You should be off of the mountain by 12:00 noon. There is a car show and, on Sunday there will be an awards program. And, of course, you will be able to drive your own car to the top in the afternoon.”

The schedule of events are as follows:

Friday: BBQ in the Stage House starting at 5:30 PM
Saturday Meeting/Breakfast at 6:30 AM
Sunday Meeting Breakfast at 6:30 AM
Additional activities – TBA

If you are interested in participating, please contact Steve Chisholm or Jean Petryshyn at (860) 536-3196 between the hours of 6-9 PM.

—Thanks, N1HTS

PART To Provide Communications For Westford Apple Blossom Parade, May 14, 2005

Police ART logoTerry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on PART-L:

[The Police Amateur Radio Team] has once again been asked to assist as a communications resource for the Westford Apple Blossom Parade on Saturday, May 14, 2005.

The parade runs from 10 AM until 11 AM starting near the junction of Graniteville Rd and Main St. and ending at Abbot School. Like last year but not as big! Duty will be from 8:30/9:00AM until 11:00AM/noon at the latest. You will need to bring a 2 meter walkie.

Most volunteers will be assigned to “shadow” various members of the Parade committee. Our actually duty will not start till about 9:00AM but we need to get into the center of town before the roads are closed and we need to establish our assignments by 8:30 AM or so.

Please contact Bo or I if you are interested and can assist or need more information.

Terry, KA8SCP